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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 7
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-108, (May, 1973)

Ionic conductivity of lead bromide crystals
Pages 1-6
Hideoki Hoshino, Shinichi Yokose, Mitsuo Shimoji
Evolution de la forme A des sesquioxydes de lanthanides par addition d'oxyde de thorium ThO2
Pages 7-16
François Sibieude
The crystal structure of α-copper vanadate
Pages 17-24
J.R. Rea, E. Kostiner
Crystallographic and magnetic properties of the Cd(OH)2 layer structure compound TiS2 containing extra iron
Pages 25-30
T. Takahashi, O. Yamada
Polymorphism in cesium thiocyanate
Pages 31-35
Spero Manolatos, Martin Tillinger, Benjamin Post
Thermal expansion in (La0.62Pb0.38)MnO3: Possible evidence for a coupling between elastic and magnetic exchange forces
Pages 36-39
B.J. Evans, D.R. Peacor
Actinide(lanthanide)-noble metal alloy phases, preparation and properties
Pages 40-48
B. Erdmann, C. Keller
Sur de nouveaux borates mixtes des métaux de transition isotypes de la warwickite
Pages 49-54
J.J. Capponi, J. Chenavas, J.C. Joubert
Structural aspects of anomalously fast ionic conductivity in solids
Pages 55-58
W. Van Gool
Domain model for anomalously fast diffusion
Pages 59-65
W. van Gool, P.H. Bottelberghs
Stabilities of some silicate minerals under approximate venusian surface conditions
Pages 66-68
H.A. Papazian, P.J. Pizzolato, J. Gliozzi
Computer simulation of crystal structures applied to the solution of the superstructure of cubic silicondiphosphate
Pages 69-84
E. Tillmanns, W. Gebert, W.H. Baur
The SrMnO3−X-Mn3O4 system
Pages 85-88
T. Negas
Structural studies by electron microscopy: High-resolution observations on β-ZrO2·12Nb2O5
Pages 89-93
J.G. Allpress, S. Iijima, R.S. Roth, N.C. Stephenson
High resolution electron microscopy of TiO2·7Nb2O5
Pages 94-105
S. Iijima, J.G. Allpress
Liquidus diagram for the sodium orthophosphate-lead orthophosphate system
Pages 106-108
R.K. Osterheld, J.D. Hawthorne

Issue 2, Pgs 109-244, (June, 1973)

Electrical transport properties and preparation of the metal-ammonia compound lithium tetraammine
Pages 109-123
M.D. Rosenthal, B.W. Maxfield
Etude cristallographique de l'arsénotellurure de zirconium quadratique
Pages 124-131
A. Mosset, Y. Jeannin
Luminescence of Cr3+ ions in ordered and disordered LiAl5O8
Pages 132-137
G.T. Pott, B.D. McNicol
The preparation of hot-pressed chalcogenide spinels
Pages 138-148
D. Pearlman, E. Carnall Jr., T.W. Martin
Crystal growth and X-ray data of the lead phosphates Pb4P2O9 and Pb8P2O13
Pages 149-154
L.H. Brixner, C.M. Foris
On the necessity for invoking a free-ion-like model for the super ionic conductors
Pages 155-157
C.Warren Haas
Etude structurale de combinaisons sulfurées et séleniées du molybdène. III. Structure cristalline de NiMo3S4
Pages 158-162
J. Guillevic, Mme.O. Bars, D. Grandjean
The crystal structure of CuVo3(II), a high-pressure ilmenite phase
Pages 163-168
J.R. Rea, E. Kostiner
Vibrational spectra of yttrium niobate and tantalate
Pages 169-171
G. Blasse
A new ferroelastic transition in some A2(MO4)3 molybdates and tungstates
Pages 172-174
A.W. Sleight, L.H. Brixner
Solid state chemistry of organic polyvalent iodine compounds. II. The crystal structure of 2-iodo-3′-chlorodibenzoyl peroxide
Pages 175-185
J.Zanos Gougoutas, L. Lessinger
Transition metal iodates. I. Preparation and characterization of the 3d iodates
Pages 186-204
K. Nassau, J.W. Shiever, B.E. Prescott
Transition metal iodates. II. Crystallographic, magnetic, and nonlinear optic survey of the 3d iodates
Pages 205-212
S.C. Abrahams, R.C. Sherwood, J.L. Bernstein, K. Nassau
An electron microscope study of some titanium sulphides
Pages 213-221
R.J.D. Tilley
Structure cristalline et expansion thermique de l'iodure de nickel hexahydrate
Pages 222-228
Mme.Michèle Louër, Daniel Grandjean, Dominique Weigel
Synthesis of 12-layer modification of hexagonal BaFeO3 under high oxygen pressure
Pages 229-231
Y. Takeda, M. Shimada, F. Kanamaru, M. Koizumi
Teneur en oxygéne et formule exacte d'une famille de composés habituellement appelés “variété β” ou “phase complexe” des sulfures de terres rares
Pages 232-240
Pierre Besançon
Thermochemistry of hydrogen tungsten bronze phases HxWO3
Pages 241-244
P.G. Dickens, J.H. Moore, D.J. Neild

Issue 3, Pgs 245-348, (July, 1973)

Anisotropic conductivity of PbFCl
Pages 245-249
J. Schoonman, G.J. Dirksen, G. Blasse
Phosphures ternaires de lithium Li2n−3MnPn−1 (M = Be, Cd, Sn) de structure antifluorine ou dérivée
Pages 250-254
Abdallah El Maslout, Jean-Pierre Motte, Charles Gleitzer
Magnetic properties of compounds (Mn,Cr)1+xSb, V1+xSb and (Mn,V)1+xSb with B8-type structures
Pages 255-261
J. Bouwma, C.F. van Bruggen, C. Haas
Magnetic and crystallographic properties of the system Fe2P1−xAsx
Pages 262-268
A. Catalano, R.J. Arnott, A. Wold
Evolution structurale de nouvelles pérovskites lacunaires Yx(Ta3xW1−3x)O3
Pages 269-276
F. Studer, Y. Montfort, B. Raveau
The crystal structure of Nb2Zr6O17
Pages 277-285
Jean Galy, R.S. Roth
Computer simulation of defects in ammonium perchlorate
Pages 286-291
Mark Goldstein, A.G. Keenan
Structure types of ternary rare earth—Transition metal silicides of the LnMxSi2−x type
Pages 292-296
I. Mayer, I. Felner
Mössbauer effect of FeOCl-pyridine complex
Pages 297-299
F. Kanamaru, M. Shimada, M. Koizumi, M. Takano, T. Takada
An X-ray and Mössbauer study of the FeTi2O5-Ti3O5 system
Pages 300-307
I.E. Grey, J. Ward
Mössbauer study of the thermal decomposition products of BaFeO4
Pages 308-315
Toshio Ichida
The magnetic properties of the manganese-gallium-aluminum-germanium system
Pages 316-320
G.Bryan Street
Etude comparée des structures cristallines des sulfures contenant deux eléments IIIA (scandium, yttrium et lanthanides)
Pages 321-336
D. Carré, J. Flahaut, P. Khodadad, P. Laruelle, N. Rodier, Vo Van Tien
Determination des structures de deux ferrites mixtes nouveaux de formule BaLa2Fe2O7 et SrTb2Fe2O7
Pages 337-348
D. Samaras, A. Collomb, J.C. Joubert

Issue 4, Pgs 349-478, (August, 1973)

Evolution du niveau 3P1 des centres isoelectroniques du mercure en fonction de l'environnement
Pages 349-352
G. Boulon, B. Jacquier, F. Gaume-Mahn
Phase relations of TlClO4 and TlBF4 to high pressures
Pages 353-359
J.B. Clark, Carl W.F.T. Pistorius
Magnetic susceptibility of Co4+(d5) in octahedral and tetrahedral environments
Pages 360-369
G.A. Candela, A.H. Kahn, T. Negas
The phase equilibria study in the system Na4P2O7-Mg2P2O7
Pages 370-373
J. Majling, F. Hanic
Knight shift measurements through the NiAs-MnP structure change in vanadium monosulfide
Pages 374-376
H.F. Franzen, D.M. Strachan, R.G. Barnes
New defect vanadium dioxide phases
Pages 377-384
B.L. Chamberland
Magnetic properties of uranium chalcogenides with composition close to UY2
Pages 385-399
W. Suski
The magnetic and electrical properties of LnCrSe3 (Ln=La, Ce, Pr, Nd)
Pages 400-407
O. Gorochov, H. McKinzie
Evolution structurale de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type wadéïte et de structure apparentée
Pages 408-417
J. Choisnet, A. Deschanvres, B. Raveau
Refined cell parameters of the Ln2WO6-type rare earth tungstates
Pages 418-421
L.H. Brixner, A.W. Sleight, C.M. Foris
Preparation and crystal structure of Li2CaSiO4 and isostructural Li2CaGeO4
Pages 422-427
J.A. Gard, A.R. West
Interpretation of structure and magnetism in transition-metal pnictides M2X and (M1−xM′x)2X
Pages 428-447
J.B. Goodenough
A high-temperature neutron diffraction study of pure and scandia-stabilized zirconia
Pages 448-453
W.W. Barker, F.P. Bailey, W. Garrett
Pseudophase behavior in the epsilon and iota regions of the praseodymium oxide-oxygen system
Pages 454-460
R.P. Turcotte, M.S. Jenkins, L. Eyring
Preparation and properties of some transition metal phosphorus trisulfide compounds
Pages 461-467
Barry E. Taylor, John Steger, Aaron Wold
Luminescence of Mn2+ in SrGa12O19, LaMgGa11O19, and BaGa12O19
Pages 468-473
J.M.P.J. Verstegen
Thermochemistry of ammonium tungsten bronze, (NH4)0.25WO3
Pages 474-476
P.G. Dickens, D.J. Neild
Author index
Pages 477-478